You may join our classes at any time, and you can join the continuing groups. It does not have a certain beginning date or period. The instructors themselves (or the assistants) will pay extra care to the beginners and will help them to adapt the group as early as possible.
There are two styles being taught in our schools: WingChun and Escrima
You can attend a class at any of our schools as a guest, ask questions to our instructors and get detailed information. You can be sure that our instructors will welcome you delicately, without prejudices and with respect and will answer your questions with great sensitivity.
Days/Hours: WingChun (por favor llama)
Address: Capital Federal, Barrio Parque Centenario, Calle Campichuelo 460, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Days/Hours: Aulas particulares
Address: Rua das Palmeiras,62, Manoel Carneiro, Porto Seguro - BA
Days/Hours: Aulas particulares presenciais e online.
Address: BA. 653 km14. Itacaré. Parque do Conduru, Itacaré
Fazenda Ninho das Aves
Days/Hours: Para acessar agenda com horários, datas e locais dos treinamentos mensais, solicitar informações para aulas particulares e sobre os grupos fechados
Address: Entre em contato para receber informações
Days/Hours: Wing Chun | Terças e Quintas: 19:30h - 21:00h e aulas particulares.
Escrima: aulas particulares
Address: Rua Júlio Zandoná, 1017, Alto Boqueirão, Curitiba - PR
Days/Hours: Wing Chun | Quartas: 19h00 às 20h00 - aulas em grupo
(Wing Chun e Escrima: Segunda a sexta-feira, solicitar agenda para aulas personalizadas sozinho/a ou em dupla)
Address: Espaço Simpozio Cultural- Rua Huberto Rohden, 274, Campeche, Florianópolis - SC
Days/Hours: Wing Chun | Terças e Quintas: 19:30h - 20:45h
(Segunda a sexta-feira: Disponível entre 7:00 e 10:00 da manhã para aulas particulares com agendamento prévio.)
Address: Academia Actiowt - Rua Saturno, 21, Lagoa dos Freitas, Balneário Rincão - SC
Days/Hours: Aulas particulares a combinar
Address: Rua Vitorino Silvino Bitencurt, 43, Aventureiro, Joinville - SC
Days/Hours: Para acessar agenda com horários, datas e locais dos treinamentos mensais, solicitar informações para aulas particulares e sobre os grupos fechados
Address: Entre em contato para receber informações
Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: 19.30-21.00
Saturday-Sunday: 11.30-13.00
Address: Mladost 1, No: 108, Sofia, Bulgaria
Days/Hours: Please call for detailed information.
Address: Please call for detailed information.
Days/Hours: Martes - Jueves (Wing Chun), Lunes (Escrima): 21.00 - 22.00
Address: Claudio Arrau/Diego Portales Alerce Histórico, Puerto Montt, Chile
Days/Hours: WingChun | Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes de 20:00 a 21:30
Address: Pedro Leon Gallo 487, Poblacion Manzanar, Rancagua, Sexta región, Chile
Days/Hours: WingChun | Lunes: 20:00 - 21:30h, Jueves: 20:00 - 21:30h
Address: Gimnasio Salud e Imagen: Calle Edwards 313, Valparaíso, Chile
Days/Hours: WingChun&Escrima | Lunes - Miercoles - Viernes: 19.00pm - 22.00pm
Address: Calle Independencia, No: 2636, Valparaíso, Chile
Days/Hours: WingChun | Martes: 20.00 - 21.00, Jueves: 20.00 - 21.00
Address: Calle Valparaíso 1131, Viña del Mar, V región, Chile
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Address: Belén, Heredia, Costa Rica
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Address: Pavas, San José, Costa Rica
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Address: San Pablo, Heredia, Costa Rica
Days/Hours: WingChun | Jueves y Viernes: 4.30pm
Address: Holguin, Cuba
Days/Hours: WingChun | Lunes y Viernes: 5.00pm
Address: Santiago, Cuba
Days/Hours: WingChun | Pondělí-Pátek: 19.00-20.00
Address: Brandlova 6, Praha 6
Days/Hours: Isfahan central gym | Saturday (WingChun) - Monday (Cardio) - Wednesday (WingChun & Ground Fighting) : 19.15-20.30
Fooladshahr gym | Sunday (WingChun) - Tuesday (Cardio) - Thursday (WingChun& Ground Fighting) : 20.30-22.00 Friday (private lessons): 14.00-18.00
Address: Sheikh Sadogh Club. Khodabande Alley, Nikbakht Street, Esfahan City, IRAN.
Days/Hours: Para acessar agenda com horários, datas e locais dos treinamentos mensais, solicitar informações para aulas particulares e sobre os grupos fechados
Address: Entre em contato para receber informações
Days/Hours: WingChun | Lunes y Viernes: 19.00 - 20.00
Address: Centro Atapecer: Calle Horacio Fernandez Iguanzo 5, Gijón, Asturias
Days/Hours: WingChun | Martes y Jueves: 18.00 - 19.00
Address: Felix Shotokan: La Felguera, Asturias, Espana, 33930
Days/Hours: WingChun | Martes y Jueves: 21.00 - 22.00
Address: Gimnasio Atlas: Calle santa Eulalia de Merida 4, Oviedo, Asturias
Days/Hours: WingChun | Miércoles y Viernes: 19.30 - 20.30
Address: Escueal Spartae: Lluis Companys, 50 08810, Sant Pere de Ribes, Barcelona, Espana
Days/Hours: WingChun | Lunes - Jueves: 17.00 - 18.00
Address: Calle Alejandro Magno, nr 1 Residents' Association, 38010, Tenerife, Canarias
Days/Hours: Lunes: 10.00-11.00 (WingChun) - 19.00-20.00 (Escrima) - 20.00-21.00 (WingChun) - 21.00-22.00 (WingChun) | Sifu Guillermo Córdoba
Martes: 10.00-11.00 (WingChun) - 19.00-20.00 (Escrima) | Carlos Torres - 20.00-21.00 (WingChun) - 21.00-22.00 (WingChun) | Sifu Guillermo Córdoba
Miércoles: 10.00-11.00 (WingChun) - 19.00-20.00 (Escrima) - 20.00-21.00 (WingChun) - 21.00-22.00 (WingChun) | Sifu Guillermo Córdoba
Jueves: 10.00-11.00 (WingChun) - 19.00-20.00 (Escrima) | Rubén - 20.00-21.00 (WingChun) - 21.00-22.00 (WingChun) | Sifu Guillermo Córdoba)
Address: Destreza Madrid | Calle Antonio Ponz, 2 Posterior. Metro: La Almudena, Ascao, La Elipa
Days/Hours: Escrima | Sábado: 11.00 - 12:30
Address: Destreza Madrid | Calle Antonio Ponz, 2 Posterior. Metro: La Almudena, Ascao, La Elipa
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Address: Gandia, Valencia, Espana
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Address: Please contact for detailed information.
Days/Hours: WingChun | Pazartesi-Çarşamba-Cuma: 20.00-21.30
Address: Güller Pınarı mah. Tenekeci Turgut sk. 1/B , 07400 Alanya
Days/Hours: WingChun | Salı: 17.30-18.30 Cuma-C.tesi: 19.00-20.00
Address: Seyranbağları Mh. İncesu Cd. No:6A, 06590, Çankaya, Ankara
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Address: Please contact for detailed information.
Days/Hours: WingChun | Pazartesi - Çarşamba - Cuma: 21.00-22-30
Address: Sporium Fitness Center: Bahçelievler Mahallesi, Aytaç Caddesi, Fulya Sokak, Eskişehir
Days/Hours: WingChun | Cumartesi - Pazar: 12.00-13.30
Address: Mega spor merkezi: Hacı Seyit Mahallesi, Duatepe Sokak, No : 8/A, Tepebaşı, Eskişehir
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Address: Kadıköy, Istanbul
Days/Hours: WingChun | Perşembe - Cumartesi: 20.00 - 21.30 Escrima | Salı: 20.00-21.00
Address: SportZ Club 232, 1392 sk, no:12 Kültür mah, Alsancak, İzmir
Days/Hours: WingChun | Pazartesi - Çarşamba: 20.00 - 21.00
Address: Gojukan Karate İhtisas Spor Kulübü, Donanmacı mah, 1736 sk, no:3/B Karşıyaka, İzmir
Days/Hours: WingChun | Salı-Perşembe: 19.00-20:00
Address: BlackFit Spor Merkezi: Cami-i Kebir mah, 35/1 sk, SİVAS
Days/Hours: WingChun | Monday-Wednesday-Friday: 19.00-21.00
Address: Kirova, 83, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Days/Hours: Please contact for detailed information.
Address: Rivne region, city Kuznetsovsk, BDYUT
Days/Hours: WingChun | Monday-Wednesday-Friday: 18.00-20.00
Address: Soborniy, 150A, Zaporijya, Ukraine
Days/Hours: WingChun |Wed: 7.00pm to 8.30pm - Sat: 4.00pm to 5.30pm
Address: Darko Boxing&Fitness Gym: 41-25 58th street Woodside, New York 11377
Days/Hours: WingChun | Monday: 8.30-10.00pm, Saturday: 1.30-3.00pm
Address: Kirkland, Washington, USA
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