Upcoming proWES Events
Live Online Private Lessons
Cemil Uylukcu | Sofia, Bulgaria WingChun&Escrima Seminars
March 15 - 16, 2025

Основателят и главен инструктор на proWES, Джемил Уйлукку пътува по света, за да споделя знанията си от много години. Семинарите по WingChun & Escrima, които ще бъдат преподавани от него в София, България, са отворени за всякакви нива на опит.

•Свържете се с представител на proWES за подробна информация и записване: Сифу Ивайло Кръстанов +359-886-816-613

Live Online Private Lessons
Cemil Uylukcu | Madrid, Spain WingChun&Escrima Seminars
April 5 (Saturday), 2025

El fundador e instructor principal de proWES, Cemil Uylukcu, ha estado viajando por todo el mundo para compartir su conocimiento durante muchos años. Los seminarios de WingChun y Escrima que impartirá en Madrid, España, están abiertos a cualquier nivel de experiencia.

•Contacta al representante de proWES para obtener información detallada e inscribirte: Sifu Guillermo Córdoba +34656268941

Live Online Private Lessons
Cemil Uylukcu | Asturias, Spain WingChun&Escrima Seminars
April 13, 2025

El fundador e instructor principal de proWES, Cemil Uylukcu, ha estado viajando por todo el mundo para compartir su conocimiento durante muchos años. Los seminarios de WingChun y Escrima que impartirá en Asturias, España, están abiertos a cualquier nivel de experiencia.

•Contacta al representante de proWES para obtener información detallada e inscribirte: Sifu Adrian Suarez +34644186365

Live Online Private Lessons
Cemil Uylukcu | Ankara, Türkiye WingChun Semineri
May 18, 2025

proWES Başantrenörü Cemil Uylukçu, bilgi ve deneyimini, dünyanın birçok bölgesindeki okullarında öğrencileriyle paylaşmak için geziyor.
Uzun yıllar sonra tekrar faaliyete geçen proWES Ankara okulunda, "18 Mayıs Pazar" günü, Türkiye'nin birçok bölgesinden gelecek olan Sifular ve eğitmenlerin de katılımlarıyla gerçekleştirilecek seminer,

her seviyeden ve başlangıç yapmak isteyen, ilgili tüm katılımcılara açıktır.

Live Online Private Lessons
Seminar Calendar

The seminars given by the Chief Instructor of proWES, Cemil Uylukcu and authorized Sifus of proWES International are open to any experience levels.

*See the new year 2025 events calendar here! You may contact proWES representatives for detailed information and registration.

Live Online Private Lessons
Online Lessons

“Live Online Private Lessons” might be on a technical, theoretical or philosophical topic. You can book one with Sifu Cemil Uylukcu or one of our qualified proWES instructors. 

*Please send us a message here to apply for an online lesson or webinar. We will get back to you soon.

Live Online Private Lessons

If you are an instructor, you can apply for a “Webinar” with Sifu Cemil Uylukcu or one of our Sifus on a specific date and closed only for your school or group of students. The topic can be technical, theoretical or philosophical.

*Please send us a message here to apply for an online lesson or webinar. We will get back to you soon.

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